Exam Code: MB-330
Hand picks the right course and
complete your certification, get a completion certificate & achieve faster
career growth. EXAMROADMAP provides 100% valid Microsoft Dynamics 365
Supply Chain Management (MB-330) exam questions and answers which can
help you to pass your certification exam in First Attempt without any worries.
These questions and answers same as actual Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain
Management (MB-330) Certification Exam are prepared by our team of experienced Microsoft
certified consultants and domain experts. We have carefully maintained exam
structure, syllabus, topic weights, cut score and time duration same as actual Microsoft
Certification Exam. Our online Microsoft Certification practice exams contain
practical case study-based questions and answers. We have prepared question
bank for this practice exam with the help of experts' domain knowledge and collective
feedback received from recently certified candidates and updated on regular
Scores needed to pass exams
Technical exams: All technical exam
scores are reported on a scale of 1 to 1,000. A passing score is 700 or greater.
As this is a scaled score, it may not equal 70% of the points. A passing score
is based on the knowledge and skills needed to demonstrate competence as well
as the difficulty of the questions.
Microsoft Office exams: All Microsoft
Office exam scores are reported on a scale of 1 to 1,000. The actual score you
need to pass depends on the specific exam you’re taking.
How exams are scored
When answering most multi-part
questions, you’ll receive one point for each correctly answered component. You
can earn all, some, or none of the points possible for that question. If a
question is worth more than one point, it will be noted in the question.
Usually, you’ll receive one point for each correctly answered component.
There’s no penalty for guessing. If
you choose an incorrect answer, you simply won’t earn the point for that
question or part. No points are deducted for incorrect answers.
Some questions on the exam may not be
included in your score. These questions are used to gather data to update and
improve the quality of each exam. However, as soon as we have the necessary
data to evaluate their quality, questions that meet our psychometric standards
will be scored. You won’t know which questions are unscored, so you should
answer every question as if it will be included in your score.
Microsoft continues to introduce new
and innovative question types that may require different approaches to scoring.
Alternate approaches to scoring will be noted in the question text.
“Pass rate for this exam is 70%,
that means you should answer 42 questions correctly out of 60.
Please note we provide you total 271 Questions & Answers for your
EXAMROADMAP will improve your speed,
skill and confidence. TWO out of 3 Recruiters prefer Certified Candidates, get
certified, increase Chances of Getting Hired.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (MB-330) - Full
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (MB-330) - Mini