Exam Code: Professional-Cloud-Architect
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Exam Code: Professional-Cloud-Architect
Exam Name: Google Certified Professional - Cloud Architect (GCP)
Certification Provider: Google
Certification Exam Name: Google Cloud Certified
Topic Break Down
Topic |
No. of Questions |
6 |
54 |
6 |
6 |
7 |
188 |
Total |
267 |
Section 1. Designing and planning a cloud solution architecture
1.1 Designing a solution infrastructure that meets business requirements. Considerations include:
1.2 Designing a solution infrastructure that meets technical requirements. Considerations include:
1.3 Designing network, storage, and compute resources. Considerations include:
1.4 Creating a migration plan (i.e., documents and architectural diagrams). Considerations include:
1.5 Envisioning future solution improvements. Considerations include:
Section 2. Managing and provisioning a solution infrastructure
2.1 Configuring network topologies. Considerations include:
2.2 Configuring individual storage systems. Considerations include:
2.3 Configuring compute systems. Considerations include:
Section 3. Designing for security and compliance
3.1 Designing for security. Considerations include:
3.2 Designing for compliance. Considerations include:
Section 4. Analyzing and optimizing technical and business processes
4.1 Analyzing and defining technical processes. Considerations include:
4.2 Analyzing and defining business processes. Considerations include:
4.3 Developing procedures to ensure reliability of solutions in production (e.g., chaos engineering, penetration testing)
Section 5. Managing implementation
5.1 Advising development/operation teams to ensure successful deployment of the solution. Considerations include:
5.2 Interacting with Google Cloud programmatically. Considerations include:
Section 6. Ensuring solution and operations reliability
6.1 Monitoring/logging/profiling/alerting solution
6.2 Deployment and release management
6.3 Assisting with the support of deployed solutions
6.4 Evaluating quality control measures
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Google Certified Professional - Cloud Architect (GCP) - Full
Google Certified Professional - Cloud Architect (GCP) - Mini